‘Illusions on Self Motion’ : continuing the conversation in 2018

In 2013, Wiradjuri/Celtic artist Brook Andrew commissioned me to write a requiem to accompany two bodies of work: 52 Potraits and Vox: Beyond Tasmania.
I created Illusions on Self Motion, a graphic score artwork with a very strict set of articulation guidelines.
In June this year I presented a continuation of the conversation that Illusions began, this time with one of my musical collaborators – Ben Opie. This iteration was presented at the public programs event: Confronting the Frontier Wars: International Perspectives, one of the public programs within the 2018 Forum of the Representation, Remembrance and the Memorial visual arts research project – more on that below.
Just prior to presenting our voices in the conversation, Ben and I were interviewed by trawulwuy art historian Dr Greg Lehman. Our discussion gives a context to the work that is essential viewing before experiencing Illusions on Self Motion, as I never present the work without a contextual conversation:
(note: videos require flash, best viewed on a computer)
National Gallery of Victoria, 30th June 2018.
expressing a new strand to the ongoing conversation of my work:
Illusions on Self Motion
collaborator Ben Opie on cor anglais joined myself on shruti, with both of us sharing a loop and sound effects pedal. Premiere composer articulation of the work.
National Gallery of Victoria, 30th June 2018.
Neika Lehman, one of the editors of the upcoming un Magazine edition 12.2: Strategic Liaisons, was in the audience at the NGV presentation, and afterwards we got to talking about the work. She commissioned me to write a an article about the nature of collaboration and the issues faced when working on the requiem, and to share the graphic score for the first time in print. The un Magazine 12.2 edition will be available online any day now, and printed copies in select arts venues listed here.
*when the article is released online I’ll be sure to post the link*
The RR.Memorial Project concerns the Australian frontier wars and the possibility of representing the magnitude of Indigenous loss and survival in a national memorial. Led by the Wiradjuri/Celtic artist Brook Andrew with a group of local and international peoples (FORUM 2018), the project focuses on case studies including investigating international examples of monuments to genocide and community approaches to remembering frontier violence.
The Representation, Remembrance and the Memorial website contains important information and resources
that I encourage you to read.
2018 52 Portraits Ben Opie Brook Andrew composer performance/articulation Confronting the Frontier Wars cor anglais Dr Greg Lehman graphic score Illusions on Self Motion loop and effects pedal Narrm/Melbourne National Gallery of Victoria RR Memorial RR Memorial 2018 Forum Shruti Un Magazine 12.2 Strategic Liaisons Vox Beyond Tasmania